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Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance Modding Reference

Part of the Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance Support series

Reference information for creating new adventures, modifying textures, and other modding. This may get split into multiple documents in the future. It is currently under construction and may change often.


A collectible object, decoration, or person in an adventure. This term comes from Doom’s WAD format, which is used for adventure maps.
Pascal case
Text formatted with no spaces, and capitalizing the first letter of each word. Ex: QuestTypeThing.

Setting up a development environment

There are several options for building Doom levels. My testing has mostly been done using SLADE 3 and the ZenNode (v1.2.1) node builder. Here is information on the setup I use for you to replicate if you chose.

To duplicate my setup, install Slade 3 and unzip ZenNode to a permanent place. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Open SLADE.
  2. Ignore these steps for now. I’m still working on the feature in BRUT that will build Birthright.wad.
    1. Click EditSet Base Resource Archive.
    2. Click the Add Archive button.
    3. Find and open Birthright.wad, then click OK.
  3. Click EditPreferences….
  4. Expand Map Editor, then select Node Builder.
  5. Set the Node Builder: field to ZenNode.
  6. Click Browse and find and open ZenNode.exe.
  7. In the Options section, check Vanilla Optimized, and click OK.

Testing maps

You can launch directly into your WAD when starting Birthright by using the following command line options:


There will be no sound, actions, or living enemies, but you can wander around the map live in the game. These features come from the scene file, which isn’t loaded this way.

If you use Ultimate Doom Builder, you can configure the “Test Map” feature to run your map directly in Birthright.

  1. Go to ToolsGame ConfigurationsTesting.
  2. Click the + button to add a new testing engine.
  3. Give the egine a name and browse to WINBR.EXE on your computer.
  4. Check Customize parameters.
  5. Enter w %F into the Parameters field and check the checkbox for Use short paths and file names (MSDOS 8.3 format).

SLADE unfortunately uses path variables with quotes and Linux-style path separaters, which Birthright doesn’t understand.

Format documentation: Adventure maps (.WAD)

The WAD file format (Birthright uses vanilla PWADs) was created to store game data for Doom and the Doom family of games. It is a well defined file type. Please review the format information on DoomWiki.

Note: Birthright uses PWADs and does not have an IWAD. See Setting up a development environment for more information.

Format documentation: Scenes (.SCN)

Scene files use a format that resembles INI files. There are many options listed in the template that may not be usable, as they refer to a World Map feature that seems absent from the game.

Scene files appear to be the entry point into Dynamix’s Nova engine. They are used for adventures and battles. SCENES\TEMPLATE.SCN contains developer documentation on the scene file format, but it is unclear how up to date this documentation is. For this reason, there are keywords mentioned in that file that are not referenced here.


Comments must be placed on an empty line, starting with the number sign (#). If a scene file is edited using the scene editor (SCENED), all comments are lost.


Keywords are variable names written using Pascal casing (ex: QuestThingType). These are used by Nova to initialize adventures.

Required keywords

  • Version: Always 1.0

Optional keywords

  • Type:
    • 1: A custom adventure.
  • Music:
  • Demo:
  • Panorama:
  • QuestThingType: The Thing ID of the item that will complete the quest. This must come before [Wad].
  • Wad: The WAD file to load. Only one WAD file can be loaded per scene.
  • Exit: A list of exit line IDs and the scene to move to. This is used to link different WADs together. Each WAD needs a corresponding scene file.
  • Pallet: The PCX palette to use to load textures.

Mod-heavy keywords

These keywords can be used in custom adventures, but require making modifications to more game assets. This would be useful for total conversions where the resource files are already being replaced.

  • Notes: Notes are scrolls in an adventure that can be opened to read a message inside. These reference messages found in STRDAT.DAT.
  • OpeningDialog: This opens a dialog at the start of the adventure with the indicated message found in STRDAT.DAT.

Format documentation: Descriptions (.TXT, .ADV)

Format documentation: Character stats (.AVA)

Format documentation: Resources (.RES)

The resource file management software and its associated C# library BRUT can be used to manage resource files.

Resource files hold most of the images, textures, UI elements, animations, and sounds used in the game. They are similar to ZIP files.

Files are stored either uncompressed or compressed via LZSS. PCX files are pre-processed and uncompressed into a bitmap format (not the standard BMP file) before being compressed with LZSS and stored.

Note: It is impossible to restore PCX files losslessly, as resource files do not store some file metadata, including the color palette. A standardized set of color palettes is used internally. BRUT uses the most common palette to attempt to recover these files.

The files begin with a file header describing the file version, the number of resources contained within, and the offset of the directory.

Offset hex Bytes Purpose
0 4 File version. Only resource files with version 4 are included in the production copy.
4 4 Directory offset.
8 4 The number of resources contained in the resource file.

The directory contains one meta entry for each resource contained in the file.

The entry begins with a hash that identifies the file. This has is either generated from a “CRC” of the filename (case sensitive) plus a null byte, or by copying an ID number directly from the filename.
Extension identifier
The list of supported extensions is hard-coded into Birthright as an array. The extension identifier is the index of the file’s extension in that array.
Offset hex Bytes Purpose
dir_offset + 0 4 A hash to identify the entry.
dir_offset + 4 4 File offset.
dir_offset + 8 1 Extension identifier
dir_offset + 9 4 Filename

Each file is then stored as follows:

Resource identifier
The resource identifier is the integer representation of the string “RSRC”.
Offset hex Bytes Purpose
file_offset + 0 4 A resource identifier (1129468754)
file_offset + 4 4 The full size of the resource (header + content)
file_offset + 8 4 Compressed size (content)
file_offset + 12 4 Uncompressed size (expected)
file_offset + 16 4 Hash of filename (matches directory entry)
file_offset + 20 1 Flags (see below)
file_offset + 21 1 Type of compression used (none or LZSS)
file_offset + 22 1 Extension identifer (matches directory entry)
file_offset + 23 4 Filename
file_offset + 27 * The content of the file

The original RESUTIL used to create the resource files allowed adding the same file multiple times, appending it each time. Retrieving the file would only reference the first instance.

Thing reference

Each Thing has an ID number, which is used to all things related to it. (Art, descriptions, etc.) Troops are presumably used in the battle maps. They don’t seem to appear when used in adventures.

Environment features

Thing ID
Chandelier 1 153
Column 1 155
Column 2 156
Statue 1 167
Statue 2 168
Stool 1 169
Table 1 171
Wall Torch 1 173
Vase 1 174
Fountain 1 175
Bush 1 176
Tree 1 177
Tree 2 178
Wall Torch 2 179
Dungeon Column 180
Cave Column 1 181
Bizarre Column 1 182
Marble Column 183
Stalactite 1 184
Stalactite 2 185
Stalactite 3 186
Bizarre Stalactite 1 187
Stalagmite 1 188
Stalagmite 2 189
Cave Rock 1 190
Cave Rock 2 191
Cave Rock 3 192
Bizarre Rock 193
Dungeon Rubble 194
Cave Rubble 195
Statue 3 196
Torch 2 197
Hanging Chains 1 198
Smashed Barrel 1 206
Empty Chest 207
Candelabra 1 209
Candelabra 2 210
Broken Vase 1 215
Vase 2 216
Broken Vase 2 217
Vase 3 218
Broken Vase 3 219
Table 2 220
Table 3 221
Stool 2 222
Stool 3 223
Potted Plant 2 224
Potted Plant 3 225
Statue 4 226
Torch 3 227

Environment features (cont)

Thing ID
Bizarre Column 2 230
Cave Column 2 231
Bizarre Stalactite 2 232
Tree 3 233
Tree 4 234
Tree 5 235
Tree 6 236
Tree 7 237
Tree 8 238
Tree 9 239
Tree 10 240
Tree 11 241
Tree 12 242
Tree 13 243
Tree 14 244
Stmp 1 245
Stmp 2 246
Thorn 1 247
Bush 2 248
Bush 3 249
Bush 4 250
Bush 5 251
Bush 6 252
Bush 7 253
Forest Column 1 254
Forest Column 2 255
Evil Column 1 256
Twig 1 257
Evil Column 2 258
Evil Chandelier 259
Leaf 1 260
Leaf 2 261
Leaf 3 262
Rock 5 266
Rock 6 267
Rock 7 268
Rock 8 269
Barrel 3 270
Statue 6 271
Fire 2 272
Fire 3 273
Fire 4 274
Fire 5 275
Torch 5 276
Statue 5 277
Vase 7 278
Vase 8 279
Rock 9 425
Rock 10 426
Bush 8 427

Environment features (cont)

Thing ID
Bush 9 428
Bush 10 429
Bush 11 430
Bush 12 431
Tree 15 432
Tree 16 433
Tree 17 434
Tree 18 435
Tree 19 436
Tree 20 437
Corpse 1 438
Hay Pile 1 439
Gargoyle Statue 440
Refuse Pile 441
Gravestone 1 443
Gravestone 2 444
Gravestone 3 445


Thing ID
Hint 1 561
Hint 2 562
Hint 3 563
Hint 4 564
Hint 5 565


Thing ID
Key Silver 199
Key Tiny 200
Key Red 201
Key Blue 202
Key Jeweled 203
Key White 204
Key Skeleton 205
Key Black 318
Key Bone 319
Key Stone 320


Thing ID
Treasure Chest 208
Gold Coins 1 228
Gold Coins 2 229
Gold Coins 3 263
Gold Coins 4 264
Gold Coins 5 265


Thing ID
Gargoyle 15
Otyugh 17
Archer 20
Light Cavalry 21
Elite Infantry 22
Infantry 23
Irregular 24
Knight/Heavy Cavalry 25
Officer 27
Pikeman 28
Dwarf Archer 38
Dwarf Infantry 39
Elf Archer 42
Elf Officer 2 43
Elf Infantry 44
Elf Officer 1 45
Goblin Archer 47
Goblin Cavalry 48
Goblin Infantry 49
Mercenary Infantry 55
Mercenary Officer 57
Mercenary Pikeman 58
Wizard Male 4 60
Wizard Male 3 63
Chief 65
Lord Male 4 66
Lord Male 5 67
Guard 68
Lieutenant 69
Guilder Male 1 70
Guilder Male 2 71
Lord Male 6 74
Priest Male 1 75
Priest Male 2 76
Priest Female 1 77
Elf Lady Lord 79
Elf Lord 1 81
Rogue 83
Royal Guard 84
Lord Male 7 86
Guilder Female 87
Dwarf Lord 3 88
Dwarf Lord 2 89
Goblin Lord 1 90
Warrior 91
Goblin Queen 92
Wizard Female 1 93
Wizard Female 2 94
Wizard Male 1 95
Wizard Male 2 96

Characters (cont)

Thing ID
Lord Female 1 98
Lord Female 2 99
Lord Female 3 100
Lord Male 1 101
Lord Male 2 102
Dwarf Lord 1 116
Dwarf Guard 117
Lord Male 3 103
Elf Guard 119
Elf Lord 2 120
Gnoll 1 121
Gnoll Irregular 122
Goblin Guard 124
Goblin Zombie 125
Ankheg 126
Wyvern 2 127
Wraith 128
Dog 129
Harpy 131
Hell Hound 132
Ogre 133
Skeleton 135
Spectre 136
Giant Spider 138
Wyvern 1 139
Zombie 140
Giant Spider on ceiling 141
Assassin 145
Infantry Intro 147
Royal Guard Intro 148
Lord Throne 149


Thing ID
Gorgon 130
Rhuobhe Manslayer 134
Spider King 137
Molth Kambar 566
Kast Ekctral 567
Baubb The Toymaker 568
Endaeral Cathbirn 569
Spawn Of The Chimaera 570
Nhoun The Elf 571
Tieskar Graecher 572
Lesser Spectre 573
Lesser Wraith 574
Ioun Heart 581
Ioun Fist 582

Magical items

Thing ID
Potion of Fire Resistance 164
Scroll of Armor Enhancement 1 165
Potion of Extra Healing 211
Key of Opening 212
Potion of Healing 213
Potion of Flying 214
Amulet of Feather Fall 280
Amulet of Speed 281
Amulet of Striding And Springing 282
Amulet Versus Undead 283
Amulet of Water Walking 284
Amulet of Inspiration 285
Balm of Healing 286
Tome of Mystic Magics 287
Book of Exalted Deeds 288
Book of Vile Darkness 289
Tome of Sorcerors Lore 290
Chime of Opening 291
Cloak of Protection 1 292
Cloak of Protection 2 293
Cloak of Protection 3 294
Tome of The High Wizards 295
Tome of The Mage Lords 296
Gauntlets of Dexterity 297
Gauntlets of Ogre Power 298
Gem of Attraction 299
Gem Blue 300
Gem Green 301
Gem of Passage 302
Gem of Shifting 304
Ioun Stone Pale Blue 306
Ioun Stone Scarlet And Blue 307
Ioun Stone Incandescent Blue 308
Ioun Stone Deep Red 309
Ioun Stone Pink 310
Ioun Stone Pink And Green 311
Ioun Stone Pearly White 313
Spell Scroll 1 314
Spell Scroll 2 315
Spell Scroll 3 316
Ioun Stone Dusty Rose 317
Librium of Gainful Conjuration 321
Librium of Ineffable Damnation 322
Librium of Silver Magic 323
Oil of Sharpness 1 327
Oil of Sharpness 2 328
Oil of Sharpness 3 329
Oil of Sharpness 4 330
Oil of Sharpness 5 331

Magical items (cont)

Thing ID
Potion of Hill Giant Strength 334
Potion of Stone Giant Strength 335
Potion of Frost Giant Strength 336
Potion of Fire Giant Strength 337
Potion of Cloud Giant Strength 338
Potion of Storm Giant Strength 339
Potion of Titan Strength 340
Potion of Diminution 342
Potion of Invulnerability 344
Potion of Levitation 345
Ring of Feather Falling 346
Ring of Fire Falling 347
Ring of Jumping 349
Ring of Protection 1 350
Ring of Protection 2 351
Ring of Protection 3 352
Ring of Protection 4 353
Ring of Regeneration 354
Ring of Resistance 1 355
Ring of Resistance 2 356
Ring of Resistance 3 357
Ring of Wizardry 358
Ring of Nightvision 359
Scroll of Armor Enhancement 2 363
Scroll of Armor Enhancement 3 364
Scroll of Armor Enhancement 4 365
Scroll of Armor Enhancement 5 366
Staff of Curing 368
Vial of Holy Water 372
Potion Of Poison Cure 424


Thing ID
Barrel 1 150
Bowl 1 151
Bucket1 152
Candle 1 154
Cup 1 157
Fire 1 158
Flagon 1 159
Helmet 1 160
Knife 1 161
Plate 1 162
Potted Plant 1 163
Spear 1 166
Sword 1 170

Quest items

Thing ID
Tome of the Prince 172
Dierdriens Ring 360
Faeles Ring 361
Rod of Resurrection 362
Gavelons Staff of Prosperity 370
Banner of Roele 383
Barazads Tools 384
Brennas Favor 386
Chalice of The Dead 387
Crown of Command 388
State Crown of Anuire 389
Danicas Crystal of Scrying 390
Emperors Crown 391
Farids Coffer of The Realm 392
Hammer of Thunder 393
Robes of The Mases 395
Regalia of Empire 396
Sielshegh Gem Large 397
Sielshegh Gem Medium 398
Sword of Roele 399
Sceptre of Cuiraecen 400
Corgandals Staff 401
Nappolans Tome of War 402
Torc of Splendor 403
Vaubenels Book of Fortification 404
Candle of Invocation 405
Prince Rop 406
Goblin King Rop 407
Gorgons Banner 442

Items with charges

Thing ID
Necklace of Missiles 8 325
Wand of Enemy Detection 3 373
Wand of Fire 3 375
Wand of Frost 3 377
Wand of Illumination 3 378
Wand of Lightning 3 379
Wand of Magic Detection 3 380
Wand of Paralyzation 3 381
Wand of Secret Detection 3 382
Necklace of Missiles 7 668
Necklace of Missiles 6 669
Necklace of Missiles 5 670
Necklace of Missiles 4 671
Necklace of Missiles 3 672
Necklace of Missiles 2 673
Necklace of Missiles 1 674
Wand of Enemy Detection 2 675
Wand of Enemy Detection 1 676
Wand of Fire 2 677

Items with charges (cont)

Thing ID
Wand of Fire 1 678
Wand of Frost 2 679
Wand of Frost 1 680
Wand of Illumination 2 681
Wand of Illumination 1 682
Wand of Lightning 2 683
Wand of Lightning 1 684
Wand of Magic Detection 2 685
Wand of Magic Detection 1 686
Wand of Paralyzation 2 687
Wand of Paralyzation 1 688
Wand of Secret Detection 2 689
Wand of Secret Detection 1 690

Blood Abilities

Thing ID
Alertness 601
Alter Appearance 602
Animal Affinity 603
Battlewise 604
History 605
Bloodmark 606
Character Reading 607
Courage 608
Detect Lie 609
Detect Illusion 610
Direction Sense 611
Divine Aura 612
Divine Wrath 613
Elemental Control 614
Enhanced Sense 615
Fear 616
Healing 617
Heightened Ability 618
Iron Will 619
Persuasion 620
Poison Sense 621
Protection From Evil 622
Regeneration 623
Resistance 624
Shadow Form 625
Touch Of Decay 626
Travel 627

Priestly Realm Spells

Thing ID
Bless Land 1 463
Bless Army 1 464
Blight 1 465
Dispel Realm Magic Pr 1 466
Honest Dealing 1 467
Investiture 1 468

Realm Spells

Thing ID
Alchemy 1 450
Death Plague 1 451
Demagogue 1 452
Dispel Realm Magic 1 453
Legion Of Dead 1 454
Mass Destruction 1 455
Raze 1 456
Scry 1 457
Stronghold 1 458
Subversion 1 459
Summoning 1 460
Transport 1 461
Warding 1 462

Priest Spells

Thing ID
Cure Light 1 469
Detect Evil 1 470
Detect Magic Pr 1 471
Light Pr 1 472
Shillelagh 1 473
Turn Undead 1 474
Barkskin 1 475
Find Traps 1 476
Find Treasure 1 477
Resist Fire 1 478
Spiritual Hammer 1 479
Magical Vestament 1 480
Water Walk 1 481
Cure Serious 1 482
Prot From Evil 1 483
Cure Critical 1 484
Flame Strike 1 485
True Seeing 1 486
Heal 1 487
Fire Storm 1 488
Holy Word 1 489
Resurrection 1 490

Wizard Spells

Thing ID
Arrows 408
Fireball 1 409
Lores Fireball 1 410
Plasma Ball 1 411
Lores Plasma Ball 1 412
Plasma Streak 1 413
Plasma Ball 2 414
Lores Plasma Streak 1 415
Lores Plasma Ball 2 416
Lightning 1 417
Lores Lightning 1 418

Wizard Spells (cont)

Thing ID
Vaporize 1 419
Lores Vaporize 1 420
Crumble 1 421
Lores Crumble 1 422
Chain Lightning 2 423
Detect Magic 1 497
Feather Fall 1 498
Jump 1 499
Light 1 500
Magic Missile 1 501
Reduce 1 502
Shocking Grasp 1 503
Blindness 1 504
Continual Light 1 505
Knock 1 506
Levitate 1 507
Locate Object 1 508
Poison Arrow 1 509
Strength 1 510
Fly 1 512
Stone Undead 1 513
Infravision 1 514
Lightning Bolt 1 515
Confusion 1 516
Ice Storm 1 517
Minor Globe Invuln 1 518
Stoneskin 1 519
Cone Of Cold 1 520
Disintigrate 1 521
Teleport 1 522
Chain Lightning 1 523
Death 1 524
Globe Invuln 1 525
Flesh To Stone 1 526
Improved Firebal 1 527
Power Stun 1 528
Power Blind 1 529
Spell Immunity 1 530
Meteor Swarm 1 531
Power Kill 1 532
Time Stop 1 533


Thing ID
Troop Gargoyle 16
Troop Otyugh 18
Troop Lord Male 1 26
Troop Wyvern1 29
Troop Ankheg 30
Troop Ogre 31
Troop Hell Hound 32

Troops (cont)

Thing ID
Troop Harpy 33
Troop Skeleton 34
Troop Giant Spider 35
Troop Spectre 36
Troop Wraith 37
Troop Dwarf Officer 1 40
Troop Dwarf Officer 2 41
Troop Dwarf Officer 3 46
Troop Goblin Zombie 50
Troop Goblin Officer 51
Troop Goblin Queen 52
Troop Zombie 53
Troop Ceiling Spider 54
Troop Elf Lady Lord 56
Troop Dog 59
Troop Wizard Male 4 61
Troop Lord Male 2 62
Troop Lord Male 3 64
Troop Lord Male 4 72
Troop Lord Male 5 73
Troop Lord Male 6 78
Troop Lord Male 7 80
Troop Lord Female 1 82
Troop Guilder Female 85
Troop Lord Female 2 104
Troop Lord Female 3 105
Troop Wizard Female 1 106
Troop Wizard Female 2 107
Troop Wizard Male 1 108
Troop Wizard Male 2 109
Troop Wizard Male 3 111
Troop Guilder Male 1 112
Troop Guilder Male 2 113
Troop Priest Male 1 114
Troop Priest Male 2 115
Troop Priest Female 1 118
Troop Wyvern 2 123
Troop Manslayer 142
Troop Gorgon 143
Troop Spider King 144
Troop Assassin 146
Merc Archer 551
Merc Cavalry 552
Elf Cavalry 553
Levy 554
Scout 555
Merc Irregular 556
Cav Horse 557
Knight Horse 558

“lores art for battle 8Meg version”

Thing ID